The 27cm lavender bouquet by Mensa Home will immerse you in the atmosphere of sunny Provence without leaving your home. This delicate yet expressive bouquet brings a relaxing visual scent to your space, even though it's not real. The lavender bouquet is perfect for any room - whether it's the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or office. It effortlessly introduces a touch of calm and relaxation wherever you need it. Allow yourself a moment of relaxation accompanied by the lavender bouquet from Mensa Home. Decorate your interior with it and enjoy the timeless beauty it brings to your home.
Product features:
Height: 27cm
Realistic appearance
Hassle-free maintenance
The fresh shade of purple will transport the magic of French lavender fields to your interior, and the realistically depicted flowers will look splendid in this harmoniously composed bouquet. Its height makes the bouquet incredibly versatile - ideal for placing on tables, windowsills, or in a relaxation corner.
Mensa Home's artificial flowers cater to those who value aesthetics but lack the time to care for real plants. The high-quality synthetic material ensures a natural appearance and long-lasting life of the bouquet. Plus, it eliminates the need for watering and ensuring proper sunlight, offering even greater flexibility in interior design.
Mensa Home always ensures its products are both functional and uniquely designed. This is a guarantee of quality, durability, and distinctive design, enabling the creation of breathtaking compositions indoors. By choosing products from this brand, you are investing in perfection in every aspect.
Product specification
00448475 |
Producer code |
MR-2137-40 |
Manufacturer |
Mensa Home |
Color |
Shades of Purple |